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Blue Eye Macro

Automation is freedom
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 Post subject: Getting started in 1, 2, 3.
Thanked: 165 time(s)  Unread post Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:28 pm 
Partner / Developer
Partner / Developer
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Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:51 am
Posts: 4525
Been thanked: 1347 time(s)
Has thanked: 133 time(s)
Contribution Points: 33214
Hi fellow Blue Eye user,

First of all - welcome to the BE community.
I am happy you found this place, and hope you are going to enjoy your stay as much as the rest of us.

To quickly get up to speed, these are the things you need to know about, to get the most out of Blue Eye and the Community.

The Program

  • Download Blue Eye Macro from one of the mirrors on the front page.
    Blue Eye Macro requires the Microsoft .NET 3.5 Framework to be installed on your computer, Get it here

    When you start Blue Eye Macro for the first time, there will be a few demo macros already available on your computer, simply right click any of them and select Edit to see how it was created.
    When editing/building macros you have two ways of viewing it, Design mode/Code view - at any time you may switch between the two and BE will automatically parse the current macro into the selected view mode.
    For non-technical users, you may find it easier to use the design view, which is completely code-free, for more technical users, you will find the code-view faster for creating more complex macros.

  • FAQ:
    • I tried to use BE in X game, but it was unable to send any keys/mouse instructions to the game.
      Some games block the Windows API's used to inject keys and mouse instructions, simply install the Virtual Drivers from inside the BE settings window, and you will be able to send your keys/mouse instructions to your favorite game. If you have any problems installing the virtual drivers, please view this Virtual driver - support thread

    • When I use the recorder function to automatically build a macro based on the recorded mouse and keyboard instructions it seems as if BE is trimming out some of the curved mouse movements etc.
      When recording a macro, BE will automatically trim away the mouse movements which is unlikely to have an impact on the outcome, this is done to minimize the size of each macro, making it easier to modify afterwards.
      This feature can be turned off from inside the recorder window, by disabling Mouse optimization.

    • Whenever I use BE along with my favorite game, My game closes/tells me illegal 3d party tools was detected
      Open BE Settings, click the Screen tab, and disable Direct X Capturing
      Hit Save, then restart BE - and your good to go.
      Still having problems? Send me a pm.

    • I started a macro which is constantly moving my mouse around, how do I stop it?
      When editing a macro, in the left hand side you can create start/stop triggers for each macro, allowing you to start/stop macros with keyboard combinations of your choice.
      In addition to start/stop triggers there is also a global kill switch trigger, simply press Ctrl + Alt + Esc to immediately abort all running macros.

    • Whenever I start Blue Eye Macro I get a error message telling me something about performance counters - how do I solve this?
      You need to rebuild your Windows performance counters, this is easily done by opening the CMD (Command promt window) and write "LODCTR /R" without the ""-quotes then press enter.
      Want to know more about this error?.

    • Sometimes it seems like a mouse click or keyboard key is dropped when executing my macro, it mostly happens when my computer is near 100% CPU usage because of the game I am running.
      Sometimes BE may press keys or click mouse buttons faster than your system is capable of registering - to solve this problem simply use a higher Key press delay, Mouse click delay and Mouse move delay. These can be configured inside BE settings under the Performance tab.

    • My 30 day trial has expired - what do I do now?
      When you start Blue Eye Macro the very first time, you automatically get a 30 day free trial.
      After your trial period has ended you have the following 3 options:

      • Get a free license by trading forum contribution points
        The rates are: 100 points for 1 month and 1000 points for 1 year.
        For this option please read more in the forum section further down this page.
      • Buy a 1 year license for 29$
        Click the Obtain license button, and select 1 year.
        A browser will open navigating to PayPal (You do not need a PayPal account to complete the purchase, all major cards is supported), complete the payment, and immediately after your license will have been automatically created, downloaded and installed.
      • Subscribe to monthly payments of 5$
        Click the Obtain license button, and select 1 month.
        A browser will open navigating to PayPal, sign in with your PayPal account, and complete the payment, immediately after your license will have been automatically created, downloaded and installed.
        Until the subscription is cancelled, a new license will automatically be created/downloaded/installed each month.

    • I use Blue Eye Macro on several computers, can I share the same license between them?
      Licenses are unique to the computer from which it is ordered, to use BE on multiple computers, you will need additional licenses.

    • I bought a 1 year license a few months back, in the meantime my computer broke down and I had to buy a new one - can I move my license or will I have to buy a new one?
      Send me a pm with your transaction ID + the BE ID of your new computer, then I will move your license for you free of charge.

The Forum

  • I just found this place, where/how do I begin?
    This is your lucky day, you are exactly where you need to be.
    Read all the details on this page, then head on to the New around here? Say hi forum and create your first post.

  • What are Contribution Points?
    Contribution points are points you earn every time you contribute to the BE community.
    Points can be used to obtain free licenses - additional usages are planned for the future.

  • How do I earn Contribution Points and where can I see how many I have now?
    You automatically get a number of points for every post/reply you make, usually this is 3 points, but will vary depending on the part of the forum you are posting in.
    Whenever you post something very helpful, like solving a problem, reporting a bug, requesting a nice feature or perhaps share a cool macro you created - additional points may be awarded by myself or any of the forum moderators, the amount of points can be anything between a few points, and several hundred points, or even a thousand points.

    Additionally you will receive between 1 and 5 points everytime someone presses the "Thank you" button next to one of your posts! for more information please read more here.

    You can always keep track of your contribution points by viewing your profile page - in addition, points are always shown below your name in the left hand side of every post you make.

  • How do I use my Contribution Points?
    First make sure your forum profile contains your BE ID - Read more
    Then send Syrifina a pm letting him know how many points/months you would like to trade.
    Important: Before doing so please make sure you have not violated any of the rules further down this page.

  • How long does it take before my license is created?
    When purchasing a license, your license is immediately available and will be automatically created/downloaded/installed.
    When sending Syrifina a pm to trade contribution points for a license, licenses are always created as quickly as possible, and usually within 24 hours.
    After sending Syrifina a pm, do not create forum posts/send me or him additional pm's asking how long it is going to take - doing so will only result in further delays for not only your own, but other users licenses as well.

  • Can I send you a pm asking for help developing this specific macro for this specific task?
    As much as I would love to help with all your macros, I have to focus on the development of BE itself, to ensure that BE remains the best automation tool on the market.
    Instead I suggest creating a forum post with your questions, then surely you will find that either myself or any of the awesome users of this forum is willing and capable of answering any questions you may have.

The Rules
The Blue Eye forum is a free place, users should be able to relax around here, and do pretty much as they like.

These are the few most important rules we all need to follow, to ensure this remains a nice place to hang out.
  • This is a family friendly forum
    Keep the language and content/images family friendly.

  • We like games and respect the game developers.
    Do not share hacks/information which can potentially damage the game, cause roll-backs etc.
    Such posts will be removed.

  • Do not create spam posts to quickly earn Contribution Points
    Points are awarded for contributing, not spamming - spam annoys everyone and helps no-one.

    Important: If you discover that your license has expired, then within a short period of time create a bunch of non-helpful / low-value posts to "earn" enough points for a license - Your license will not be created! Instead your points will be removed.
    Same goes for users returning once a month, to create a bunch of new posts, with the same intentions as explained above.
    Repeated violations will result in a permanent ban.

    Users requesting a license shortly after creating their forum account, will have their posts reviewed before a license is created.
    Replying to a lot of topics with "Thank you", "Great work", "This really helped me" is not generally categorized as spam, but will be if you are suspected of Contribution Point Soliciting.

    New accounts with just 100 contribution points and a bunch of short posts, all within a very short period of time, will almost guaranteed be declined a license.
    This may sound strict, but is necessary to avoid spam on the forum, annoying every one here.

    A good way to think about it is:
    Contribution points is a way for genuinely active forum users to get free licenses.
    Contribution points is not something you earn to get a license. (like creating a new account, make a bunch of meaningless posts within a day or two, then ask for a license)

  • I lost my points / was declined a license - what can I do about it?
    We all make mistakes, if you believe I or one of the kind forum moderators made one in your case - don't hesitate to Pm me directly.
    I will do my best to help you out / revise any previously made decisions regarding your case.
    Do not create forum posts complaining about it.

    View additional rules/guidelines here.

Getting started guides & tutorials

Blue Eye - Developer / Moderator

Please read the rules about contribution points - click here

Do you know everything about BE, the forum, licenses and contribution points?
Please take a minute to read this introduction & guidelines.

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